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Eyes Open Campaign

The misuse of Opioid pain medication is an American epidemic. The number of Americans overdosing every year is staggering.

As a response the "Eyes Open Campaign" for the Maine CDC was launched to bring knowledge of this crisis, to educate about the warning signs and to direct the public to channels of support.

Brand Strategy, Creative Direction, Design





Our challenge was to speak to the entire population of the state of Maine, including those living in remote areas, and to transcend age and social groups.

This messaging included the built in challenge of using language constructed for the lowest common educational level while maintaining vocabulary appropriate to aligning with the Maine CDC guidelines.

1 in 5 Maine teens who have misused prescription drugs did so before the age of 14.


3 out of 4 patients that abuse heroin start their opiod use with prescription medications.

In 2017, 418 people died from overdoses in Maine, and that number is climbing.

1 in 10 high school students in Maine have taken a prescription drug that was not prescribed for them.

1 American dies every 19 minutes from prescription drug overdose.

OUR solution

01     We gathered the Maine CDC research, analyzed the data and partnered with another agency to tackle this issue from the medical provider and pharmaceutical point of view.


02     We created a digital campaign focusing on the real stories of Mainers.

03    We conveyed a gripping, targeted and personable message with documentary style videos.


04     This creative approach allowed us to connect with a wide audience and resonate across all age and social groups.

Additionally, the social and paid media campaigns we developed utilized short video formats that combined ad placements to drive traffic to the website.


We built a robust informational and actionable website that broke the issue down into digestible categories for greater impact.

We extended the campaign visuals to state partners including the local police department's website that was equipped with easy downloads, printable content and actionable hand-outs.


The creative responsibility to advocate for a consistent, recognizable and impactful campaign was carried through to completion.

The campaign resulted in 69,241 ad clicks, 21,647,554 impressions, 48,601 website visits and 2 million combined video views (incl. placement) during the campaign.

These astonishing results also revealed that the best preventative measures should be targeting 8-year old's in the State of Maine, when young Mainers are the most susceptible.

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